Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22nd: Giant cockroaches, food for worms, priorities, &c.

October 29th: Read 'The Storyteller'....For real.
November 5th: Displaced myth presentations.
November 14th: Final quiz.
November 26th: Recitation of final blog posts/term papers ('That, anyway, is what I have learned').


Franz Kafka's 'The Metamorphosis'
- "The greatest evil is distraction."

'Pharmakos' (a cripple, beggar, etc) --> Pharmacy. 

"(Social networking) is mostly talking about cats and watching people fight."

'The Infinity of Lists', a book by Umberto Eco

"so much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
- 'Red Wheelbarrow', by William Carlos Williams
"...and so much really does. All of a sudden it's become a matter of life and death.  Everything is a matter of life and death. What will you do with your 24 hours?"

"All rituals can be described in two ways: The 'filling up' (pleurosis) or the 'emptying out' (kenosis).

"To see a World in a grain of sand,   
And a Heaven in a wild flower,   
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand,   
And Eternity in an hour.… "
- from 'Auguries of Innocence', by William Blake


"Who is happier or purer because he has renounced his destiny, I ask you? Nobody."

"What are the things we've forgotten? In one word? Everything."

"All teaching becomes a kind of nudging. You cannot teach anything—you can merely remind someone of what they have forgotten."

"We all have the exact same number of hours in the day. It's all a matter of priority."

"'What are you reading?' I ask. 'I don't have time,' they always reply. It is not a question of time but a matter of priority. I plead to you: make it a priority."

"There is nothing that is boring. The only thing that's boring is you. When you say something is boring you are merely admitting that you are not looking at it in a wide enough context."

"Let me tell you something—it don't get no realer than here. The 'real world', that thing out there, is a complete fantasy. Nothing is ever more real than right here."

"These are not repititions, but refrains."

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