Monday, October 21, 2013

October 17th: Goddesses in disguise, myths in hiding, heads exploding, &c.

"But what is the opposite of your head exploding?
Your head not exploding." 

 - Be thinking about a Displaced Myth you will be reciting to the class. This is a classic, recognizable myth that has been hidden beneath ordinary circumstances and language so as only to be recognizable if one properly enlightened knows where to look. This class, hopefully so enlightened, will act as the ideal audience to guess the myth you have hidden.
1 - Needs to be probable.
2 - Two to three minutes long.
3 - A myth we know.

- Read 'The Storyteller' by Mario Vargas Llosa by Oct. 22nd. 


"The Story of Antigone", daughter of Oedipus and his mother Jocasta, and the controversial burial she performed. 

"The Story of Demeter and Demophoon",
("This is a story about a mother and her daughter. Men don't understand. But men never understand.")

The Temenos, a space (a temple, a classroom, a house), where, inside, everything becomes sacred, while outside, everything becomes profane.  
"Something was said."
"Something was done."   
"Something was seen."

"Is it possible for you to use language in such a way as to heighten it to it's utmost?"

The Cults of the Dead.
("If you invoke the dead in the proper way you will access some essential knowledge.")

Guy Mattison Davenport - (November 23, 1927 – January 4, 2005) an American writer, translator, illustrator, painter, intellectual, and teacher.


"Mythology makes the world disappear."

"This great bubbling ocean of myth is seething beneath the earth, just waiting to be recognized."

"If we know how to lament the dead we are enriching our lives."

"Sometimes I digress so much I forget where I started."

"Do things. See things. Hear things. You don't see anything—That's you're problem."

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