Tuesday, October 1, 2013

October 1st: Quiz #1 Review

#1 - When was Kelly born?
- July 25th, 1988, Mankato Hospital, Mankato MN.

#2 - The three important parts to this class:
- You, me, myth. Radical simplicity.

#3 - The three levels of relationships with the gods.
- 1) Convivialty
- 2) Rape (A sudden invasion)
- 3) Indifference

#4 - The three parts (of myth)
- 1) Seperation (from family/home)
- 2) Initiation (Pain)
- 3) Transformation/return (Ending up where you began)

#5 - Mnemosyne. The mother of nine muses.

#6 - The principle images behind all myth:
- The woman,
- and the Snake.
(And with neither one having a very good reputation)

#7 - Etiology:
- the study of origins.

#8 - Axis mundi:
'Axis' = 'center', 'Mundi' = 'world.
The center, navel, pillar, tree, etc. of the world.

#9 - Myth is the precedent...:
behind every action.

#10 - Zeus' impregnation of Leda led to:
- The Trojan War (through the birth of Helen)

#11 - The Story of Apollo and Daphne

#12 - The Story of Actaeon and Diana

#13 -  The Story of Arachne

#14 - 'Mythos' and 'Logos' = ...
'Truth' and 'Story'

#15 - 'In illo tempore'...
'In the big/great time..."

#16 -  'The Collective Unconscious':
- (by C.J. Jung) A zone of the mind which opens down into all of knowledge.

#17 - What did Io as a heifer stamp into the ground when she needed to catch her father's attention?
What else?

#18 - The most frequent elements in world cosmogony...
1) Creation ex nihilo.
(A high being creates the world from nothing, whether by thought, word, or heating himself in a steampot, etc.)
2) The earth-diver motif. 
(A being sends birds, amphibians, himself, etc., to the bottom of the ocean to retrieve a particle from which all the land is grown from)
3) Creation by diving in two a primordial unity. 
(Often either the separation of heaven and earth or the birth of those parts through the separation of an original, amorphous mass)
4) Creation by the voluntary or involuntary dismemberment of a primordial being. 

#19 - The earth-diver myth is the most common of all creation myths.

#20 - Europa. Know her. (See pg. 1)

#21 - The Greek Creation Story

#22 - Pasiphae and the bull led to...
What else? The Minotaur.

#23 - The Story of Asclepius, the Caduceus, and Divine Fire

#24 - The Story of the Abduction of Persephone

#25 - Unpack the word enthusiasm
En (or 'inside') + Theos ('the gods')
'The god is inside you.'

#26 - Maenads:
The female devotees of Dionysis. 

#27 - 'Sparagmos':
'To rip, to shred, to tear to bits.'

#28 - The Story of Nessus and Heracles' Death  

#29 - 'Uncle John':
Someone who has become obsessed with something 'meaningless' to give his or her life meaning.
("What's the dirty little secret? We're all Uncle John.")

#30 - 'When things were a nickel.'
- 'In the good old days', 'when the gods were convivial.'

#31 - Why do Greek men have small butts?
- Ask Theseus.

#32 - What happens to Semele when she sees Zeus in his full glory?
- She's toasted.

#33 - The Story of Tiresias
(When a god makes a promise, he cannot go back on it.)

#34 - The Origins of the word 'tragedy'.
- The Song of the Goat.

#35 - Raven, the bringer of light to the world.

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